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Showing posts from September, 2016


After months we were not catching up.. Lot things happens, lot things to do. Yeahh.. It changed so much.. So? What we gonna share tonight? Sept 17th, 2016 20.57 Suddenly I remember I ever read good quotes said "LET GO LET GOD" Here I am sitting on my bed and think about it a lot while raining outside. Simple word but deep meaning inside. When you are trying to push your self by keeping something that extremely hurt you so much, expectation does running your life for waiting something you don't know how to handle it.  (you got it?) It means, to let go is more easier that holding on. The hardest is you have to make your self believe that everything is okay, and there always a reason behind everything that happen in your life. It takes time while you are jealous by seeing someone's life is getting better than you. But trust me it's worth. No need to think too much, just try to enjoy your life. Walk in the way what life offer to you, with no...