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Stop Judging !

Judging a person doesn't define who they are, It defines who you are –unknown-

Judgment is the evaluation of evidence to make a decision. In real life, people often use this word to make a decision from what they have seen and make their conclusion about. It’s easy to judge someone from what it's seen. In this case, people who very like to judge is people who doesn't do anything, they  like to get attention the others, they look for any mistakes and than judging !

We agree that life is not perfect, right? Also nobody’s perfect. So who are you to judge ? Is that your life perfect ? We still live in the world that it's easy to make mistakes, sin is always here to haunt us. Are you the one who has purely life ? so you can judge someone else?
Not all you see is the truth. Please be wise, do not talk the badness of people and start to do the right things.

“ There is a story behind every person, there is a reason why they are the way they are. Stop Judging.”

Past is easy to be judged. We often hear that people judge someone by his/her past story, Is that you have no bad past story ?  I believe, everyone has both past story, good and bad. So who are you judge about the past? Look at your self first before you judge someone else, you are also not looked better, better to make sure your own hands are clean before you start to point your finger.

Realize, we are not in the same boat life. We have the different life story, we have a different life to be passed, you never know about someone’s feeling in their life. Just live your life, take your life to do something useful. Don’t waste your time only to make people seem bad in others, also spread their badness. You live to enjoy your life, not to interfere the other's business.

“counting other’s people sins does not make you a saint”

It’s a situation where you want to count other’s people sins, degrade the others. It’s like arrogant attitude, you feel better when people know about other’s sins, and you feel that people need to keep away from the sinners. Helloo.. Everyone has sins. The differences are you will stuck to live in your sin or move out and start to live your life rightly.

Last, Stop Judging ! keep your mouth. You ought to respect everyone’s private stuffs. You are not looked better by talking and spreading the other’s badness. Only God who have a right to judge us, If someone judge you, forgive them, start to live your live on right path. Your future are not determined by what people speak about you, God has good plan to you, your future is in the best place (His hand). Prove that your life is on the right track, you will bear much fruits.

Life isn’t perfect, but you don’t need a perfect life to be happy ^^

Greetings @dianamegaa_
